Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Brandon Flowers 930 Club

Have you heard of the fabulous band, The Killers? If so, then you know the lead singer and songwriter, Brandon Flowers. The Killers are my third favorite band. Obviously, Hanson and Bon Jovi are #1 and #2. :) They have a great sound, almost a combination of European bands like the Pet Shop Boys, New Order, and The Cure. But they're from Las Vegas, which you would know if you listen to their albums. I fell in love with their song "Somebody Told Me" from their debut album, Hot Fuss. The lyrics were ridiculous, ("Somebody told me / You had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend / that I had in February of last year / It's not confidential / I've got potential") but the melody was addictive...and the VOICE of that lead singer! It sounded so unique and fabulous to me. They got extra points when I read that Jon Bon Jovi was a big fan.

When I went on a trip to California a few years ago, my sister had tickets to the Jay Leno show. Guests are not revealed much ahead of time so we bought tickets without knowing who we were going to see. Well, I got lucky and the musical guest was The Killers! They sang their latest single "Bones" from their sophomore album, Sam's Town. I loved the song and the performance. I was now a big fan.

I've seen them a couple times since Jay Leno, but I watched them perform in huge venues where I sat at an incredibly far distance and could barely see a thing. If you love live music, nothing is more amazing then seeing the performer up close.

Earlier this year, The Killers announced that Brandon was working on a solo album, Flamingo. The constant touring and work made the band want to rest, but Brandon, with all his creative energy, could not take any time off. So the band said they were cool if he wanted to work on a solo project. "Great!" I thought. "Now there's a chance he will tour at smaller venues and I will get to see him up close!!"

Ah, my wish came true. Here are two videos I took last night at the 930 Club in D.C.

I realize this blog entry doesn't have much to do with drums, but I can't shut up about good music and this is one of my outlets... :) I did think the drummer, whose name I can't find anywhere, was absolutely fantastic. I tried capturing him and Brandon in these two videos. None of the songs would be amazing if the drum beat were terrible, but this guy played some really unique, energetic stuff that made the music pop. I really enjoyed watching him. But not as much as Brandon, of course.

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